Big Bird

Our friends know we like bird watching and Benjamin has been with us since he was born. In Ningbo area, there sure are lots of bird watching opportunities, because the delta area attract many migrant birds, but the lack of vehicle makes it a little difficult to get there. However, you can go bird watching almost anywhere, even in our own garden. And still see some exotic birds. Here’s our favorite, the egret! (I guess it’s the snowy egret, but I’m not sure.)

There are lots of egrets here in Ningbo, Niko sees them every day on his way to work. Last week we could observe them from close distance, since we had four or five of them by our own little river. Benjamin was really exited to see them fishing and chasing each others. He also tried to tell our neighbors to come and see them, with no luck. It’s a pity most people here are so used to having them around that they don’t see the beauty of these elegant birds.

And here the egret got some company, the night-heron (black-crowned night-heron?)! I hope the birds like what they see in the mirror! 🙂

At home our two-year-old told that egrets sit on a big rock, they eat fish and they have a big nose. Not too bad!